Sunday, November 14, 2010

Does western Regime Change strategies include mixed marriage route? -- By Ghulam Muhammed

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Does western Regime Change strategies include mixed marriage route?

Western TV news channels are agog with extra-ordinarily long-winded coverage of the reported release of Myanmar (Burma) leader Aung San Suu Kyi from her long house arrest. The western media is celebrating the event as if they had virtually conquered a new territory to add to their string of client states to fit into their economic, financial as well as warmongering agenda.

BBC has sent its veteran correspondent John Simpson, visible only in the most sensitive areas of world strategic developments not only as BBC correspondent, but mostly as keen observer as well as points man. His contacts may lead him to be a valuable link to MI6 and other agencies too. The most significant criteria to support Aung San Suu Kyi, by the British appears to be her marriage to a British and her British sons from the mixed marriage.

A similar mixed marriage has come into headlines in India too. A front ranking Hindutva extremist leader of RSS, the parent of BJP, the other Brahmin political party aspiring to come to power in the next election, K S Sudarshan has declared in a meeting organised to attack Congress party for its exposure of Saffron terrorism, that Congress Party’s President and the Chief of National Security Agency, Sonia Gandhi is a CIA agent and that she was in someway instrumental in the assassination of both her mother-in-law Indira Gandhi and her husband Rajiv Gandhi. Both these murders of India’s former Prime Ministers, both belonging to Pandit Nehru’s family, are widely believed to be the handiwork of CIA.

Sonia Gandhi is born Italian married to late Rajiv Gandhi and is a naturalized citizen of India. She is overwhelmingly popular with Indian masses. However, time and again her foreign origin and her journey to the top of Indian politics and governance are cited as the result of support by the US and other western countries. That foreign origin had been so virulently opposed by Hindutva forces, that she was rightly advised to shun the ambition of becoming the Prime Minister of India, though her Congress Party was so captive of her clout, that the post of Prime Minister of India, was hers for the asking. Her decision to forgo that route to power has been projected as her great sacrifice in the cause of India’s harmony and integrity. However, it cannot be denied that it is only after the death of Rajiv Gandhi, that the move of liberalization and globalization was ushered in by people like PV Narasimha Rao and World Bank official Manmohan Singh widely believed to be working in tandem with the United States of America.

Mixed marriages in India are a definite plus for advancement in ruling class political parties like Congress and BJP. The sprinkling of Muslims visible in the higher echelons of Brahmin-dominated parties, Congress, BJP and Communist, can be traced to have Hindu or Christian spouses and that fact heavily tilting in their favour as far as ‘secular’ credentials have to be propagated. While all such mixed marriage are projected as India’s coming of age as a modern nation, there are always state reasons that support the trend and that is nothing new in India. India’s Mughals married into Hindu Rajput families to buy their loyalty to Mughal India. However, when the entire future of a country is stake, such marriage of convenience does come into serious scrutiny and for good reason too.

Both Burma and India, as a part of the developing region that is poised to take off as the new area of future economic power, have to nurture and nourish strong forces that will counter all western moves to once again enslave the developing nations through their clever tactics of regime change without having to fire a single shot. For the Western conspirators, only a world wide media campaign is enough to hoodwink the people and take over entire nations.

Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai

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