Monday, March 5, 2012

How the late provocateur [Andrew Breitbart] helped create the modern press - By Alex Pareene -

Monday, Mar 5, 2012 6:15 PM India Standard Time

The Breitbart media

How the late provocateur helped create the modern press

Andrew Breitbart crashes Anthony Weiner's press conference on June 6, 2011
Andrew Breitbart crashes Anthony Weiner's press conference on June 6, 2011 (Credit: YouTube/CBSNews)

Andrew Breitbart’s fingerprints are all over the majority of the partisan political Internet. The Blaze, the Daily Caller, Huffington Post, even Politico: They’d all look quite different without his influence. There was already Rush Limbaugh and Roger Ailes and Matt Drudge himself, but Breitbart was a phenomenon of the Internet age, and would not have thrived before the Web helped to destabilize the traditional press.
He intuitively understood how the media work even if he needed to invent a grand conspiracy to explain the motivations of its primary actors. He knew that if the press felt it had missed a major story from an unexpected source, it would quickly rush to be the first to publicize further material from that source in the future. He learned this from Matt Drudge, who really did become the de facto “assignment editor” of the political press following his publication of Michael Isikoff’s axed Lewinsky story. The parallel right-wing press has been in existence for years, and the early conservative blogosphere organized itself around blogs from people like Michelle Malkin and Glenn Reynolds, but Breitbart was an expert in forcing their obsessions into the “mainstream.”
Before Breitbart mainstreamed conservative obsessions, he got a graduate-level course in how the MSM worked. Mickey Kaus, in his idealized obituary of Breitbart, tells the story that illuminates the power Breitbart had as the co-editor of the Drudge Report: Breitbart, working on a tip from Kaus, told the Smoking Gun to track down an old interview in which then-gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger bragged about participating in orgies. He publicized the result at Drudge, and it instantly became national news. Work at the Drudge Report was rarely quite so entrepreneurial — usually news outlets would do the work on their own and beg for a link.
The end result of a media environment so fixated on the predilections of this one oddball and his hyperactive aide-de-camp was the rise of Drudge-baiting — the pursuit and promotion of stories designed solely to attract the interest of the Drudge Report. This often involved freak weather and news about Madonna, but it mostly meant things that made Democrats look bad. (The Schwarzanegger story, chosen in part to illustrate Breitbart’s essential fairness, qualified because it had just enough celebrity and sex to make up for the fact that it was damaging to a Republican.)
The sensibility was Drudge’s, but Breitbart was the guy people in the press desperately befriended at parties. The new gold standard of long-form campaign reporting is Mark Halperin and John Heilemann’s “Game Change,” a book that tackles a presidential campaign as a series of hopefully Drudge-worthy nuggets of inane gossip. (Halperin’s previous book was essentially an ode to Drudge’s influence and import.)
The apotheosis of Drudge-bait is Politico, a site that aimed to take the national politics section of a newspaper and strip it of everything but Drudge-bait. Some days half its content seems to be relatively fact-free stories proposing or reinforcing Drudge-friendly narratives (Obama is angry and uses teleprompters, some say).
And there is the one-time “liberal Drudge,” the Huffington Post, which now has consumed the content portion of AOL itself. Breitbart was a co-founder of the site, and though he wasn’t there long, he made his mark. He loved the “celebrities blogging” gimmick that much of the early HuffPo was based around. This remains HuffPo’s most mockable and often detestable feature. (One other idea he might’ve brought to the table: hosting slightly rewritten newspaper and wire copy on the site itself, instead of linking out, as Drudge did, to Breitbart’s consternation.)
“Aggregators” like Drudge and HuffPo have mostly given way to partisan sites that specialize in the actual creation of content. Much of this content is designed as (unpaid) work-for-hire for larger news outlets — be it Fox & Friends or MSNBC — and Breitbart’s “Big” sites helpfully designed and packaged ready-made pseudo-scandals for Fox and others to fixate on.
A fixation of the online conservative movement is “scalp-hunting”: the elevation and demonization of some usually obscure liberal figure done in the hopes of getting them nationally shamed and fired. (Righties sort of do this as “retribution” for what happened to various conservatives who got in trouble and whose trouble was reported in the press, like Oliver North or Scooter Libby.) This is what the Shirley Sherrod video was supposed to be — a routine Van Jones’ing — and what it briefly was until it blew up in Breitbart’s face. It can be done with dead people, like Saul Alinsky, and organizations, like the New Black Panther Party, though the firing of still-living individuals is the primary means by which the conservative press “keeps score,” so it’s best to narrow your focus.
The Sherrod video was also an example of the limits of another of Breitbart’s gifts to modern media: the false “proof.” It is a sad fact of online publishing that some ridiculous portion of readers only read the headlines and look at the pictures before moving on. (The percentage of online commenters who do this is approximately 90 percent, according to studies I have skimmed and had strong opinions about.) Breitbart’s sites exploit this: “OBAMA MARCHES WITH NEW BLACK PANTHERS,” or something like that, goes the headline. The story can’t support the claim. It doesn’t matter. The headline means it’s true for the majority of the readership.
Shirley Sherrod’s anti-white racism became a “fact” that led to her firing because of that convention of online muckraking. The headline said she was racist and there was a YouTube video attached that probably proved it, if anyone bothered to hit play and listen.
This is how right-wing myths are created and sustained — did you hear that Oprah banned Sarah Palin from her show and Michelle Obama spent $30,000 on lingerie? Those are both lies, but they were also both Drudge headlines! — and in a media environment where, thanks to the work of activist/publishers like Breitbart, most previously agreed-upon facts are regularly up for debate anew, introducing new myths can be full-time work.
And in his war on the “mainstream press,” Breitbart played on a long-standing paranoia that Drudge’s rise also depended on: a fear that all the “liberal bias” claims were in fact true, and that what seemed to be nutty, conspiratorial nonsense emanating from the right-wing fringe media was actually the next hot story.
(Breitbart used the standards of traditional “objective” journalism as a weapon, and it often helped his cause that he was simply too exhausting to argue with, unless you were particularly pigheaded.)
The most modern thing about Breitbart was that he was so ridiculous, and so extreme, and yet taken more or less completely seriously by the mainstream press he claimed to despise. (This is in part because he was fun at parties.) Screaming — literally, screaming — vulgar, stream-of-consciousness insults on national television used to be your ticket out of respectability with the news crowd, but now it is basically indulged.
Honestly, if he helped make false civility less of a requirement for being “taken seriously” in the media world, that is almost certainly a good thing. The rest of his influence is too tied up in the influence of the Internet itself on the world of information for him to be directly blamed, but he was the raging, filter-less, irresponsible, vitriol-spewing, tireless avatar of the new way of doing things.
Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon. Email him at and follow him on Twitter @pareeneMore Alex Pareene
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  • TerryMcTSalon Core Member
  • Monday, March 5, 2012 at 6:46 pm
Well done. Very well done.
There's nothing particularly new or innovative about Breitbart's tactics. The only thing that's changed is the speed at which the agitprop gets disseminated.
What people need to realize is that the speed at which it can be refuted has accelerated, as well. And that ability is not to be dismissed or denegrated.
There's no need to concede the discourse to sensationalists, scaremongers, perfidious hypocrites, spinmongers, and the rest. No one should run scared of poor journalism. It needs to be countered, ridiculed, despised- again and again.
It takes time to expose frauds, especially when they peddle falsehoods that tell people what they want to hear and confirm their prejudices. But over time, their credibility erodes if it's exposed repeatedly. And once that cred is's done.
I really do think that The Daily Show and Colbert are destined to win the information war versus Fox News, for instance. Fox is getting ready to topple. Their soda is out of fizz. Their booze got no kick any more.
  • Mark G
  • Monday, March 5, 2012 at 7:07 pm
Yeah, but Breitbart was respected by liberal sensationalists and morons, and they apparently had no intention of countering him. Instead, they seek to follow his lead. What's important is that Breitbart was fun at parties, you see, and at these loser insider DC media parties, Mark Halperin, Mickey Kaus and Breitbart could all get together and talk about how important they are to the world.
you deserve a marvelous tip.

  • Mark G
  • Monday, March 5, 2012 at 6:53 pm
Little of this makes any sense to me. Breitbart took a "graduate level course" in how the MSM works by getting a "tip" from idiot Mickey Kaus about Arnold's orgies?? Useless, godawful websites like Politico and Huffington Post "would all look quite different without his influence"?? So the fuck what? Surely, they only could've been better and not worse?
Much to my consternation, a large part of the reason that Breitbart-type material exists can be found right here on the pages of Salon (Walsh's piece 'What's Wrong With White People comes to mind). And for the most part, I agreed with most (but not all) of the assertions in that column. But Breitbart's followers do not...and I sort of understand a portion of their thinking.
Truly, American liberalism has some very confused messaging. It's difficult for many people to see an article along the lines of "What's the matter with white people"- written by a white person- as anything but self-flagellation. Simply prima facie.
Cabdriver: we love Daily and Stewart--practically appointment television. They're on our DVR.
But some of American liberalism's messaging isn't simply is wrong-headed.
Walsh, in her 'white people' piece, wrote this:
"Of course, whites will remain dominant economically and politically even after they lose demographic dominance, due to the legacy and endurance of racism."
In this sort of forum it is difficult to convey context...but I will try...your earlier comment in this thread indicates an awareness of some of the subtleties involved (I hope!).
Walsh's comment reeks of large doses of 'equal outcome' and 'we should be guilty' thinking. Lordy, many of America's centrists HATE the 'equal outcome' portion of the race relations-affirmative action argument in this country...even more than they dislike the guilt notions associated with slavery.
I swear I think I could fix things sometimes so that the centrists would see the light and move left...but then folks like Walsh come in and screw things up royally.
And then I give up. Sometimes I think it would be easier to bring peace to the Middle East.
  • dubo6524
  • Monday, March 5, 2012 at 8:22 pm
That Walsh quote is completely, indisputably correct. Sorry that you think the only way to woo "centrists" is to distort the truth and/or give in to the right so you don't hurt their fee-fees.
Walsh wrote--"Of course, whites will remain dominant economically and politically even after they lose demographic dominance, due to the legacy and endurance of racism."
Do you believe, dubo, that ALL people have equal abilities to dominate the worlds of finance and politics?
"The most modern thing about Breitbart was that he was so ridiculous, and so extreme, and yet taken more or less completely seriously by the mainstream press he claimed to despise."
I'd say that's the definition of an inferiority complex. The real problem with the press is that you've all abdicated from anything called journalism. Dave Weigel at Slate, along with many others, gave us all glowing remembrances of Breitbart, as if he was part of a college fraternity, in this case "Animal House". If all journalists are now just propogandists and entertainers, then stop pretending to be journalists. Just be the village idiots you've chosen to be.
You wrote--"I'd say that's the definition of an inferiority complex. The real problem with the press is that you've all abdicated from anything called journalism. Dave Weigel at Slate, along with many others, gave us all glowing remembrances of Breitbart"
I think you're right about the inferiority complex. Good post.
  • Mark G
  • Monday, March 5, 2012 at 8:17 pm
C'mon guys, Alex Pareene, having received his "graduate degree" from Gawker, another great contributor to the world of nothingness, understands all this better than us. We on the "outside" just don't get it.
  • IcarusSalon Core Member
  • Monday, March 5, 2012 at 8:50 pm
Indeed, what passes for internet "journalism" is now such an inside-baseball world that that even liberal bloggers praise Breitbart for his talent at muck, even if they hate the muck. Sorta like how Jon Stewart fawns over Bill O'Reilly when ever he's on the show - they may be on different teams, but they are in the same league after all. It's all about keeping the money rolling in......
"Inferiority complex" or self-assessment that is, for once, accurate?
"(Breitbart used the standards of traditional “objective” journalism as a weapon, and it often helped his cause that he was simply too exhausting to argue with...."
You could have saved yourself the time, Alex. You could have just asked Breitbart, or any other non-dead right winger: "and on what fact is your opinion based?" And you will always hear as a reply: "the fact that it's true". Since the press gave birth to all these right wing children running around, it's only proper that you should also have to raise them. The journalistic golden rule should be: the fact that you have an opinion does not magically transform your opinion into fact. What's exhausting about that?
  • StimSalon Core Member
  • Monday, March 5, 2012 at 9:00 pm
In a world that includes children with cancer, millions of hard-working people with homes now "underwater" because of greedy douchebags on Wall Street, and governments that kill their citizens if they dare speak up, the Universe got this one right. Andrew Breitbart dropped dead at a fairly young age. Breitbart left the world a worse place than if he'd never exisited. Now he's dead. Good. Fuck him.

President Obama at 2012 AIPAC Policy Conference

Indian Americans Demand Action Against Modi for Muslim Genocide By Shaikh Saad -

Indian Americans Demand Action Against Modi for Muslim Genocide

By Shaik Saad

Updated Monday, 05 March 2012 17:03:33 - IST (UTC +5:30)
New York: Coalition of Indian American NGO's "Coalition Against Genocide" (CAG) demanded Narendra Modi's arrest in case of anti Muslim riots in Gujarat and compensation to the victims. CAG also vowed to fight Hindutva ideology in the US. Rally and Candle Light Vigil in New York on the 10th Anniversary of Anti-Muslim Gujarat Pogrom. Jewish Leader Criticizes AJC for Giving Award to Advani. Rallies held in 9 other cities by CAG affiliated organizations

CAG, the broad-based alliance that was instrumental in getting the diplomatic visa of Narendra Modi revoked, for his role in Gujarat pogrom, organized a successful rally and candle light vigil in New York City.

Hundreds of Indian-Americans of diverse religious backgrounds gathered to remember the victims of the anti-Muslim pogrom in front of the Gandhi statue in Union Square on March 3rd, 2012. It was raining all morning, but just before the rally began, the ominous clouds cleared. Though the balmy 55 F made it feel like a beautiful spring evening rather than winter, the mood of the rally remained somber.

They had gathered to remember the victims of a carnage that was unleashed on the Muslims of the Indian state of Gujarat in 2002. More than 2,000 were brutally killed, 500 women and little girls raped, and 150,000 people were ethnically cleansed in the spring of 2002 in the well-planned pogrom in the Indian state of Gujarat.

"We want Gandhi's Gujarat NOT Modi's Gujarat," they chanted, pointing to the statue of Mohandas Gandhi, the founder of modern India.

The rally was addressed by not only Indian American leaders but by well-known American religious leaders and human rights activists.

Dr. Hillel Levine, the founder of Center for International Conciliation, prayed for the victims of pogrom. He defined a pogrom and said that the state-orchestrated violence in Gujarat was a pogrom. Drawing on the history of Jewish suffering, he criticized the American Jewish Committee's award to L.K.Advani. Advani and Modi both represent, according to him, an ideology of hatred and intolerance. He demanded that the AJC take the award back.

Rev. Mark Lukens, the President of The Interfaith Alliance, Long Island Chapter, spoke against all kinds of discrimination including racism in America and Islamophobia. He spoke eloquently about the legacy of Gandhi and of how Modi has tarnished it.

Joe Lombardo, the national co-chair of United National antiwar Coalition, pledged to work with Coalition Against Genocide, and vowed not only to get justice for the victims of Gujarat but also to fight the infiltration of Hindutva-fascists in the US power centers. He thanked Muslim Peace Coalition USA and Desis Rising Up and Moving for their fight against discrimination in the US.

Al-Haj Imam Talib Abdur Rashid, an African American imam who heads the umbrella body of New York area Muslims known as the Islamic Leadership Council, stated that the movement that killed Gandhi and tens of thousands of Muslims and Christians will not be allowed to flourish in the US. He drew parallels between the civil rights movement in the US and the movement by Indian minorities and Dalits and predicted that truth shall overcome. He thanked the inter-faith allies for their stand against the New York police department's surveillance of the area Muslim communities.

Biju Mathew, one of the founding members of Coalition Against Genocide, vowed to continue the struggle till Hindutva-fascism is completely defeated. He announced the upcoming launch of a campaign to obtain justice for the victims of the pogrom. He exhorted the attendees to contact their congresspersons and urge them to support the resolution about the Gujarat pogrom that was presented in the US House of Representatives by congressman Keith Ellison the day before.

Dr. Shaik Ubaid, another founding member of the coalition pointed out that the coalition is expanding and that more American interfaith and civil rights leaders and groups are supporting it. This will help defeat the Hindutva ideology in the US and offer vital moral support to the pluralist forces in India. He advised the supporters of Narendra Modi in the US to abandon their support of Modi and Hindutva ideology and thus redeem themselves and the image of India. He explained that as long as Modi remains a persona nongrata in the US, his dream of becoming India's prime minister will remain derailed and it will be easier for him to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

Biju Mathew and Dr. Shaik Ubaid were given the Lincoln-Gandhi-King Award by the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut area Indian Americans for their role in launching the Coalition Against Genocide to fight for pluralism and justice and to keep Narendra Modi out of the US. The other speakers named them "The Men Who Defeated Narendra Modi."

Bhairavi Desai, the leader of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, and Svati Shah of South Asia Solidarity Forum, both Gujarati Hindu women, said “We want Gandhi’s Gujarat, not Modi’s Gujarat”. They agreed with a later speaker, Saeed Patel, a Muslim from Gujarat, that the Gujarat pogrom is a stigma and a mark of shame for Gujarat and India. Alex Koshi, a commissioner with Rev. Martin Luther King commission in New Jersey, Habeeb Ahmed, a human rights commissioner with the Nassau county, Juned Qazi of Indian National Overseas Congress, Yusuf Dadani of Indian American Muslim Council, Silky Shah and Bhumika Moochala of Gujarati ancestary, Azhar Bhatt of Muslim Peace Coalition, USA and Dr. Satinath Choudhry, a Dalit leader, were among the other speakers.

The rally was followed by a candle-light vigil, the candles representing the lives of all the victims of Gujarat pogroms that were violently snuffed out.

It was rush hour in Union Square and thousands of passers by stopped and picked up the flyers about Gujarat pogrom.

Similar vigil and rallies were held in ten cities across the US by organizations that are members of the
Coalition Against Genocide