critical question in any crime investigation, is who gains and what is
the motivation. It is apparent, that for reasons right or wrong, BJP/RSS
are hell-bent to throw Congress out. It is altogether another question,
if Congress deserves to be thrown out or not, given massive corruption
in the name of economic reforms. However, it is a shame that a 'regime
change' scenario is being enacted, possibly under the expert guidance of
world's most notorious 'Regime Changers' --- expert in coining new
terms to camouflage their evil intentions.
The first person to go public on Assam massacres was none other than L.K. Advani, who tried to put a non-communal face on the starkly communal genocide and ethnic cleansing, by terming all Assamese Muslim as 'Foreign Immigrants' and therefore possibly good for ;final solution', if he and his people can manage it.
FIRST POST is a new arrival in India, with unvarnished agenda to sow doubts and dissention in the fractured polity. It has funding to hire expert Indians, ready to sell their soul, for a few pieces of silver, as they say.
Amaresh Misra is certainly good with conspiracy theories, but his theorizing opens even those windows on the truth that are assiduously kept closed to fool the people. It is good that his loyalties are open and therefore not subject to any unwanted innuendos. What matters is what facts he is pointing towards. A whistle-blower from even an enemy camp is welcome. Known is better than unknown and hidden.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
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http://www.firstpost.com/ politics/red-blood-and- saffron-plots-assam-riots-and- the-rss-bjp-427579.html
#Assam riots #BJP #Conspiracy theories #exodus #GoodReads #RSSPrint
As conspiracy theories go, this one is pretty outlandish. But then, when you wear so many hats, as Amaresh Misra does, it’s often hard to say which hat you are talking out of. Misra, whose career progression has seen him evolve from political activist to journalist to historian to politician, has always been big on conspiracy theories: be it the 26/11 November attacks in Mumbai (which, he argued, were an CIA-Mossad- RSS project) or the killing of Hemant Karkare (which he suggested was an IB hit-job), he believes in going completely over the top. No middle ground for Mr Misra.
Never mind that the sole surviving perpetrator of the 26/11 crime, and the terrorists’ ’handler’ in Pakistan, have already confessed to their 26/11 crime. Just as there are the 9/11 deniers, the conspiracy theorists in the US who believe that the US government was either responsible for or complicit in the September 11 attacks, Misra churns out many fanciful theories to account for many events in contemporary Indian history.
On Wednesday, for instance, Misra argued in an expansive blog post on The Times of India, that the RSS and the BJP have initiated a communally divisive campaign in the run-up to the next general election. In that project, everything that we saw in the past month — from the Assam riots between Bodo tribal people and Muslims to the violence at Azad Maidan on 11 August (following a meeting convened by the Raza Academy to protest the killings of Muslims in Assam and Myanmar) to even the rumours that surfaced in India’s biggest metropolitan cities and triggered an ‘exodus’ of people from the north-east back home — was the handiwork of the RSS and the BJP, he says.
But unlike on earlier occasions, when the RSS and the BJP went by an outdated template for communal mobilisation against Muslims, this time, they have picked on “ethnic riots with a communal slant” as their way to polarise the polity.
Misra writes: “Instead of a minority-majority clash, the game plan seems to be of pitting one minority against the other. This explains the way Bodo militants — belonging to an ethnic minority group — first attacked Bengali Muslims — a religious minority. Then an issue of Bangladeshi infiltrators was inserted in the script.”
Not only that, even the subsequent violence in Azad Maidan, he argues, wasn’t the work of radical Muslims. It was, he says, instigated by the MNS of Raj Thackery.
“On August 11 in Mumbai too, the initial violence occurred when MNS activists taunted Muslim youths for ‘sitting idle’ after Assam and Burma incidents. Not many people are aware of the fact that till recently, Raj Thackarey’s MNS had a lot of Muslim activists as well.”
And after the initial flare-up in Mumbai, some “professional elements” who, Misra says, were revealed to him by Mumbai police sources as being” under contract (supari) to create violence” on August 11 — to defame Muslims — took over. “They were the ones who beat up the police and molested women constables,” he adds.
Claiming that the ‘exodus’ of north-east Indians began from Pune and Bangalore, Misra explains it thus: ”The infiltration in Pune by RSS-ISI-Mossad type elements is well known in Maharashtra police circles.”
So, there you have it: it was all an RSS-ISI-Mossad plot.
The problem with the blinkered worldview of people with closed minds is that they can explain everything with a template response.
The irony of all this is that Misra himself admits that as an 18-year-old in 1984, as a Left street theatre group performing on Kolkata’s streets, he personally witnessed a Sikh truck driver being beaten and torched to death barely hours after Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh security guard.
Misra says he was traumatised by the event, which is a very readily understandable emotion — as others who bore witness to similar killings have testified.
“For several days, I was unable to sleep; I was full of rage; it was good that I did not have access to a gun those days — I would certainly have used it on some right-wing, communal/anti-Sikh element,” he writes.
Here’s the irony: the anti-Sikh pogrom was orchestrated, in Delhi and elsewhere, by Congress goons overseen by their political masters. Yet, Misra, who claims he was traumatised by the killing of a Sikh driver, went ahead years later and joined the same Congress, which to this day has not punished any of the perpetrators of that pogrom. And in the Congress, Misra was handpicked by no less than Digvijaya Singh to head the “Anti-Communal Front”. Evidently, the systematic killing of Sikhs in 1984 was a “secular” undertaking.
It’s no wonder that Misra shares Digvijaya Singh’s worldview, and sees the RSS-BJP-Mossad-CIA hand in everything that happens in contemporary India.
Even if it is the case that the BJP and its ‘mother’ organisation are up to political polarisation mischief — and who can put it past them? — intellectual honesty demands that it be acknowledged that the Congress and the other “secular” organisations too play just as dirty a game. But of course, when you’re the” anti-communal icon” of the Congress, its easy to blot out the horrors that your own party has committed. Such is the tragedy of the polemics of “one-eyed” secularism” in India today.
Read Misra’s latest blogpost here and his 26/11 conspiracy theories here and here.
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...The first person to go public on Assam massacres was none other than L.K. Advani, who tried to put a non-communal face on the starkly communal genocide and ethnic cleansing, by terming all Assamese Muslim as 'Foreign Immigrants' and therefore possibly good for ;final solution', if he and his people can manage it.
FIRST POST is a new arrival in India, with unvarnished agenda to sow doubts and dissention in the fractured polity. It has funding to hire expert Indians, ready to sell their soul, for a few pieces of silver, as they say.
Amaresh Misra is certainly good with conspiracy theories, but his theorizing opens even those windows on the truth that are assiduously kept closed to fool the people. It is good that his loyalties are open and therefore not subject to any unwanted innuendos. What matters is what facts he is pointing towards. A whistle-blower from even an enemy camp is welcome. Known is better than unknown and hidden.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
Red blood and saffron plots: Assam riots and the RSS-BJP
by FP Politics Aug 23, 2012As conspiracy theories go, this one is pretty outlandish. But then, when you wear so many hats, as Amaresh Misra does, it’s often hard to say which hat you are talking out of. Misra, whose career progression has seen him evolve from political activist to journalist to historian to politician, has always been big on conspiracy theories: be it the 26/11 November attacks in Mumbai (which, he argued, were an CIA-Mossad- RSS project) or the killing of Hemant Karkare (which he suggested was an IB hit-job), he believes in going completely over the top. No middle ground for Mr Misra.
Never mind that the sole surviving perpetrator of the 26/11 crime, and the terrorists’ ’handler’ in Pakistan, have already confessed to their 26/11 crime. Just as there are the 9/11 deniers, the conspiracy theorists in the US who believe that the US government was either responsible for or complicit in the September 11 attacks, Misra churns out many fanciful theories to account for many events in contemporary Indian history.
On Wednesday, for instance, Misra argued in an expansive blog post on The Times of India, that the RSS and the BJP have initiated a communally divisive campaign in the run-up to the next general election. In that project, everything that we saw in the past month — from the Assam riots between Bodo tribal people and Muslims to the violence at Azad Maidan on 11 August (following a meeting convened by the Raza Academy to protest the killings of Muslims in Assam and Myanmar) to even the rumours that surfaced in India’s biggest metropolitan cities and triggered an ‘exodus’ of people from the north-east back home — was the handiwork of the RSS and the BJP, he says.
But unlike on earlier occasions, when the RSS and the BJP went by an outdated template for communal mobilisation against Muslims, this time, they have picked on “ethnic riots with a communal slant” as their way to polarise the polity.
Misra writes: “Instead of a minority-majority clash, the game plan seems to be of pitting one minority against the other. This explains the way Bodo militants — belonging to an ethnic minority group — first attacked Bengali Muslims — a religious minority. Then an issue of Bangladeshi infiltrators was inserted in the script.”
Not only that, even the subsequent violence in Azad Maidan, he argues, wasn’t the work of radical Muslims. It was, he says, instigated by the MNS of Raj Thackery.
“On August 11 in Mumbai too, the initial violence occurred when MNS activists taunted Muslim youths for ‘sitting idle’ after Assam and Burma incidents. Not many people are aware of the fact that till recently, Raj Thackarey’s MNS had a lot of Muslim activists as well.”
And after the initial flare-up in Mumbai, some “professional elements” who, Misra says, were revealed to him by Mumbai police sources as being” under contract (supari) to create violence” on August 11 — to defame Muslims — took over. “They were the ones who beat up the police and molested women constables,” he adds.
Claiming that the ‘exodus’ of north-east Indians began from Pune and Bangalore, Misra explains it thus: ”The infiltration in Pune by RSS-ISI-Mossad type elements is well known in Maharashtra police circles.”
So, there you have it: it was all an RSS-ISI-Mossad plot.
The problem with the blinkered worldview of people with closed minds is that they can explain everything with a template response.
The irony of all this is that Misra himself admits that as an 18-year-old in 1984, as a Left street theatre group performing on Kolkata’s streets, he personally witnessed a Sikh truck driver being beaten and torched to death barely hours after Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh security guard.
Misra says he was traumatised by the event, which is a very readily understandable emotion — as others who bore witness to similar killings have testified.
“For several days, I was unable to sleep; I was full of rage; it was good that I did not have access to a gun those days — I would certainly have used it on some right-wing, communal/anti-Sikh element,” he writes.
Here’s the irony: the anti-Sikh pogrom was orchestrated, in Delhi and elsewhere, by Congress goons overseen by their political masters. Yet, Misra, who claims he was traumatised by the killing of a Sikh driver, went ahead years later and joined the same Congress, which to this day has not punished any of the perpetrators of that pogrom. And in the Congress, Misra was handpicked by no less than Digvijaya Singh to head the “Anti-Communal Front”. Evidently, the systematic killing of Sikhs in 1984 was a “secular” undertaking.
It’s no wonder that Misra shares Digvijaya Singh’s worldview, and sees the RSS-BJP-Mossad-CIA hand in everything that happens in contemporary India.
Even if it is the case that the BJP and its ‘mother’ organisation are up to political polarisation mischief — and who can put it past them? — intellectual honesty demands that it be acknowledged that the Congress and the other “secular” organisations too play just as dirty a game. But of course, when you’re the” anti-communal icon” of the Congress, its easy to blot out the horrors that your own party has committed. Such is the tragedy of the polemics of “one-eyed” secularism” in India today.
Read Misra’s latest blogpost here and his 26/11 conspiracy theories here and here.
- neal • a day agoAnd they say dont spread rumors .Why are u publishing some thing like this ,is this a paid article
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sanjay • a day agoThe Cons party is the biggest COMMUNAL element in the country and most of the riots which happened after 1947 was the handiwork of this party, but they call themselves as the most secular party when the truth is their hands are drenched with blood from countless riots, but sadly the paid media forgets all those harsh realities and looks the other way and only harps on saffron terror which is again more a myth than reality because had there been really such a dangerous outfit it would have played havoc which is not the case in the 65 years since 1947 and even if there is some fringe elements of such a kind it is a very microscopic group.
- DD • a day agoSerioulsy, you had to promote this moron? There are thousands of such conspiracy theorists who write such stuff. Are you going to dedicate an article to each one of them?
- DD • a day ago • parentI dont know why people bother to read TOI online any more. Its front page is begining to resemble a porn site. But actually it is a blog, published online on TOIs site, not on the paper. Still hardly the best of blogs. . And it hardly even gets a fraction of the comments the average TOI article gets. Most come from people who are just too happy to lap up his stupid theories.
braveheart • a day agoI read Amaresh Misra's blog earlier today morning on TOI and thought to myself ....Akshaya Mishra has a brother too??
Anyways his post is sooo hilarious , that it does not merit any response as such...
He seems to have been present at all locations where Muslims have gone on a riot spree and has seen Bajrang Dal activists provoking Muslims and fleeing the scene , after which Muslims go about beating up police and media folks(Eg: recent lucknow)....
Funniest part is comments from many Muslim sounding names to this post, where they are congratulating Amaresh Mishra for his excellent analysis and impartial reporting...lol
- Ranjan • a day agoAwesome analysis by the author . I read Mishra's article yesterday in TOI and was astonosished in the way he was writing a revisionist history in 180 degree .
- sanjay • a day agoWhile the UPA on the one side says not to spread rumours or false news in order to protect communal harmony, on the other hand it activates its paid media cell to do just the opposite.
- Truth_Hurts • a day agoWhy Firstpost is giving publicity to lunatics like Mishra ?? He deserves the company of the great Zaid Hamid, the TV host in Pakistan who has great following there. I consider myself to be "secular", but when secularism means going total nuts and talking blatant lies, all the more happy to be branded as a "right wing fascist" !
- Dr M.Chandrashekhar • a day agoThis guy AM appears total nuts to me. I wonder why you have to give so much space & importance to such morons.
- Deb • a day agomisra is the new jaichand.................as long as likes of misra remains in the country........we cant grow.. Mr. Mishra may you RIP!
- Ashish Pandey • 21 hours agois he the same guy married(& now divorced) to that CON chamchi Nidhi of NDTV.....no wonder cut from the same cloth ....Sickulars!!
- Nana Patekar • a day agoWhy are fp deleting my comments just cuz i target the hindu mullahs-rss-bjp combine.
- Bala • a day agoguys it is because of guys like misra i am feeling more and more proud to be a Hindu.i should thank him
- sabir khan • a day agopeople like
Amaresh Misra for some reason are more of a norm then an exception,
frankly i have to admit,
its not just the sickularist that have them but also the Hindu Right wings,
logic seems to be an alien word for them, what is even more dangerous is that for many many & many Muslims & Hindus like to go with such dumb fellows,
- kulkarni • a day agoWhy is FIRST POST casting aspersions on Amaresh Mishra who is one of the finest political intellectuals in India. Everyone knows that RSS-BJP are restless about power and want to seize power at any cost even if it means burden of midterm elections.Is it not a fact that Bodos are not even original inhabitants of India.They were actually from Burma and setled in India around 800 years ago.Bodos are very radical people who wont tolerate existence of other communities.The Muslims were systematically targeted in Assam according to a plan hatched by BJP/RSS /VHP and greater sangh parivar.Assam IB has submitted a report to CM that these radical Hindu groups supplied arms and ammunition to bodo militants to carry out attacks on Muslims.None should forget that the violence in Assam flared up after 3 Muslim youth leaders were mercilessly gunned down.For an entire week muslim women were raped,men maimed,children terrorized .Assam regional channels even showed images of a muslim womens breasts being pulled out by fanatics. Lakhs of Muslims were systematically driven out into refugee camps and their work permits and documents were mercilessly burned.There are reports that Bodos kidnapped many Muslim children who were sexually abused.After that BJP/RSS cartel sent illegal SMS to lakhs of north east brothers working in South India so as to scare them and then staged the drama of helping the north east people in Railways stations and bus stands so as to earn Brownie points.As I have argues earlier on FP it were hindus who wearing muslim topis gang raped women constables with help of hindutva sympathetic Mumbai lower police cadre.When DGP Arup Patnaik saw through this game plan he called for restrain.It were BJP/RSS men who created violence to blame it on muslim brothers.BJP/RSS can go to any extent for sake of power.Ther sadistic mentality is such that they will even trash themselves to blame it on muslims.
I fdear these goons will even eliminate GODESS OF INDIA SONIA GANDHIJI and blame it on muslims.GOD SAVE INDIA FROM BJP.RSS
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nice joke!!!