Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory By Ghulam Muhammed

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory

The recent spate of natural disasters practically zeroing on the new emerging developing nations of Asia, that are becoming a source of great discomfort to the world’s supposed lone super power, has been so out of proportion to what had ever occurred in the past, that people are beginning to speculate if there is a human element to exploiting climate for strategic objective.

The fire all over Russian hinterland where acres and acres of agricultural and forest lands had been devastated could be technically triggered by laser attack from overhead satellites.

The rain clouds that had never crossed Pakistan’s mostly southern areas, had massively moved up to the mountains in menacing proportion and the most disastrous cloud bursts that forced the clouds to target some strategic areas which had recently been under US revengeful drone bombings as well as forced Pakistani Army’s combing operations in and around Swat region, could easily be manipulated from outer space satellites using laser technology. The almost hysterical coverage of the disaster in the area by BBC reporters and the UN coming in with massive aid requests, hints at some covert moves that is known only to western sources. It all appears to be a massive organized affair.

The disaster that India’s Ladakh region suffered, is bordering China. US would like to move its presence to these border areas with full understanding with India for future build up against a non-cooperative China.

The contours of this conspiracy theory is being circulated among ordinary people in India and the sense of disbelief that surrounds the whole series of natural disasters coinciding and matching seasonal changes and climate manipulation of the kind that resulted the infamous tsunami, widely believed to be triggered by an undersea nuclear explosion, have been forcing people to question the real nature of US state and its global objectives. It would appear that people like Obama are just pawns in the bigger game plan that is still hidden from the gaze of the people of the world.

In this connection the grave warnings of Stephen Hawkings about human frailty and the raw power it has acquired, threatening human survival on this planet, are further food for thought.

Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai

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