Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Queries in Public Arena:

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Queries in Public Arena:

1. Why all three recent accused --- Daivd Headly of 26/11, Abdul Muttalib of underwear bomb and Faisal Shahzad --- all had prior contacts with US agencies. Does that not point to some involvement of US agencies in all these incidents.

2. The two latest cases – Abdul Muttalib and Faisal Shazad attempts were aimed at US mainland. Both used crude and unprofessional devices. None died in the attacks. In both cases, US agencies were forewarned or as some will surmise were instrumental in planning the whole controlled operation to get media mileage, so that crucial budgetary cuts in terror security allotments may be restored. Other world-wide agenda cannot be ruled out.

3. Both Abdul Muttalib and Faisal Shahzad were promptly taken out of the usual court procedure under the pretext that they are cooperating with authorities. Some could say that this cooperation was not only post incidents, but even ongoing from a period earlier to the time of denouement.

4. How Faisal Shahzad got his US citizenship in such short time. Was that the carrot dangled before him to cooperate with US agencies?

5. Why conflicting scenarios came out from different agencies about the exact circumstances of Faisal Shahzad’s arrest from the departing Emirate flight. Why US Attorney General said that Shahzad was under surveillance and still he was allowed to assemble his crude bombing arsenal and park the car in the midst of crowded Times Square. What was the nature of US attorney general’s role in the whole episode?

6. Why the two NY Democratic Representatives were calling again and again for restoring the cuts in New York City’s budget allotments in their CNN interview. It was apparent that they were least affected by the ‘enormity’ of the attempt to kill Americans, and cared more for the restoring the cut by Federal Government.

7. Has the recent drying up of the world wide supposedly ‘Al Qaida’s possibly planned attacks on US mainland, forced US agency to organize its own proxy operations, to continue to hoodwink the world and keep alive its various terror related activities around the US and around the world.

8. Did this conspiracy to organize terror go all the way to US President Obama, as his comments lacked any passionate conviction over the whole charade?

9. How long US media keep fooling the world? 

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