Monday, October 19, 2009

Zionist defamation of Muslim students at UC Irvine may lead to "hate crimes" - LA VOZ DE AZTALAN - Los Angeles - Alta California

Los Angeles, Alta California
October 16, 2009

Zionist defamation of Muslim students
at UC Irvine may lead to "hate crimes"

Rashid Alam - Arab/Muslim savagely beaten by 20 White and Jewish youths.
Some time ago, La Voz de Aztlan had the extreme displeasure of reporting on the brutal attack, with baseball bats and gulf clubs, of 18-year-old Rashid Alam on a Yorba Linda, California residential street. The vicious attack was unprovoked and was inflicted by a mob of 20 White and Jewish youths simply because Rashid Alam was an Arab of the Muslim faith. Rashid Alam was left with a fractured jaw, his eyes swollen and shattered facial bones that required surgeons to place two metal plates in his cheeks. Witnesses said that the mob was yelling racial and ethnic epithets as they merciless beat Rashid Alam. A neighbor said that one of the thugs yelled "you fucking camel jockey" as he bashed Alam's head with a golf club. 

More recently, in Orange County where UC Irvine is located, Islamophobes attacked the Islamic Center of Cypress. The attackers have not been caught but we presume they were Zionist thugs because the desecration of the Mosque occurred shortly after President Barack Obama's speech in Egypt to the Muslim world. The hateful Islamophobes left black painted comments on the walls of the holy Mosque that included, "We will kill you all" and "U.S. military is going to kill you all." Orange County is notorious for being one of the most racist and intolerant counties in California and it does not help that the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is today fanning the flames of bigotry against the Muslim students at UC Irvine.
The Zionists are targeting the Muslim students at the university simply because of their good samaritarian efforts on behalf of the suffering and besieged Palestinian people of Gaza. Earlier this year, the Muslim Student Union (MSU) held a benefit event on the Irvine campus for the Palestinians in Gaza through a partly Christian organization called Viva Palestina USA. The organization collected funds for much needed medical supplies and organized a group of delegates from ail over the US and of all ethnicities and faiths to take the supplies to Gaza on the Fourth of July. Now because the Muslim students helped Viva Palestina USA the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is accusing the MSU of aiding Palestinian terrorists. This is an evil defamation whose intention is to create a hostile environment for the Muslim students, to silence the MSU and to attempt to initiate more hate crimes against the group from violent Jewish elements on campus and from Orange County wide Isalmophobe extremists. 

Luis Ramirez - Mexican immigrant savagely beaten by 6 White youths.
La Voz de Aztlan in fact participated in the Viva Palestina USA aid effort. We sent a reporter along with the delegation to Gaza. Our reporter is a Vietnam War veteran and what he saw in Gaza after the 22 day attack of the small strip of land by the criminal Zionist armed forces reminded him of My Lai and other war atrocities against the Vietnamese people. The criminal Israeli Zionist regime bombed homes, apartments, hospitals, schools and Mosques and left over 1400 civilians dead of which over 300 were Palestinian babies. The Zionists also used "White Phosphorous Bombs" on the civilian population and the Palestinian elected government in Gaza is now reporting an unusual large number of births with deformities. Worst of all, we learned that the weapons used by the Zionists to commit their war crimes are bought by the Zionists with USA tax dollars.
The Mexican-American community here in the USA is suffering hate crimes very similar to those that the Muslims are suffering. The vicious beating of 18-year-old Rashid Alam is eerily similar to the beating that 25-year-old Luis Ramirez received in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania. We know that radio and other media has been used to demonize Mexicans and that this has contributed to the large number of hate crimes against our community. The same is true with the Muslims. They have the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) demonizing them and we have Lou Dubbs and CNN demonizing us. 
We must be alert that the Zionists do not pressure UC Irvine officials or any government agency to take adverse action against the Muslim students. Last week certain nefarious elements within the LAPD went on the campus of Cal-State Northridge to spy and harass a student meeting of MEChA and many groups, on and off campus, came in defense of the Mexican-American and Chicano students. We must all stand united against powerful outside organizations such as the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) which agitate for hate on our universities on behalf of a foreign criminal government.

Related La Voz de Aztlan Report:Muslim Student Union letter to the Chief Campus Counsel in their defense
An egregious Zionist assault on "Academic Freedom" at UCSB
Zionists target Muslim students at UC Irvine
La Raza to Gaza Report
Israel has now massacred over 300 Palestinian children in Gaza
El Dolor es Palestino
Mexico condemns Israel over genocide in Gaza
"Viva Palestina USA" aid convoy to Gaza announced

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